[Music] Current 93 – In a Foreign Town, In a Foreign Land

Being a fan of Current 93 for over 30 years, I have to say that I’ve never heard David Tibet use the term “Hallucinatory Patripassianist rock group” to describe their sound.  Apocalyptic folk, neofolk, post-industrial folk, certainly.  Experimental?  Always.  This new name?  I’ll have to chew on that for a while.  Be that as it may, this is one of the few albums I had not heard until recently, as it was always sold out wherever I looked.  Now, it’s in my computer, and I couldn’t be happier.

This incarnation of the band includes the aforementioned Tibet, along with Steven Stapleton of Nurse With Wound and their occasional collaborator, Christoph Heeman (better know for his work with Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa, or H.N.A.S.).  All are masters of making sonic alchemy, and the chiming, drifting pieces give one a hallucinatory (as David puts it) feeling.  I regret not hearing this album earlier.

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