[Music] Sudan Archives – Escape

Sudan Archives is a vocalist and violinist who hails originally from Cincinnati, Ohio (what a shame she wasn’t directly from Khartoum with a band name like that, alas), and who is working out of Los Angeles, California, making her a local to me. Her Soundcloud page is active with some extremely interesting cuts which straddle the like of hip-hop (the good kind which actually sounds like art), electronic music, world music and R&B. I can’t wait to hear more from this talented artist.

[Music] Perry Bradford and the Blues Singers in Chronological Order, 1923-1927 (Document DOCD-5353)

PERRY BRADFORD AND THE BLUES SINGERS in Chronological Order, 1923-1927 (Document Records, DOCD-5353) all songs written & produced by Bradford, who plays piano and supervised the sessions 1 –Perry Bradford’s Jazz Phools* Fade Away Blues 2 –Perry Bradford’s Jazz Phools* Day Break Blues 3 –Ethel Ridley Liza Johnson’s Got Better Bread 4 –Ethel Ridley Here’s […]

via PERRY BRADFORD AND THE BLUES SINGERS in Chronological Order, 1923-1927 (Document DOCD-5353) — Kendra Steiner Editions

We Might Be Quiet For A While…

For those of you who enjoy reading the blog, you might have noticed a lack of posts over the past week. That’s because I’ve been helping my family move to a new location and sprucing up the place. I may have to do this for myself relatively soon, so I ask for patience in advance. This is going to be a very busy and tough year.

[Music] Various Artists – Superspectrum

Superspectrum is a compilation featuring some of the finest dark ambient music active today. My personal favorite from this record is a track called Oblivion by Iranian composer Xerxes The Dark.

The label which released this comp, Eighth Tower Records, is a subdivision of Unexplained Sounds Group, run by Raffaele Pezzella, well known for his work with his project Sonologyst.

This is wonderful late-night headphone music.

[Music] James Hill + Santiago Fradejas – Requiem

The Fradejas family is no stranger to this blog. Both Santiago and A.M. have had releases featured here. This one is yet another feast for the ears.

Santiago’s guitar compositions can be explosive at times, but this more subdued, but intense performance couples beautifully with the trumpeting of James Hill, a brand new name for me to explore. ECM Records, or a label of equal quality, really ought to consider re-releasing an album like this in the future.