[Music] Jeff Gburek – With Conscious Impurity (Coptic Clusters)

The final post of 2016 is one of the most beautiful to my years. Many thanks to Jeff Gburek for some fine releases, and thanks to the readership for their friendship, their patience and the suggestions for music. Next year, we will add interviews to the website. I won’t post as much simply because the new job will be taking a lot of time, but expect me to point you to some amazing things. More to come soon, but for now, may you and yours enjoy the night in peace, and may you wake up to something better.

[Music] The Mariachi Men of Yugoslavia

Jonny Wrate of Roads and Kingdoms Magazine writes the article for the year for me!

Many years ago, while living in Macedonia, my friends and I would discuss music, and two, Igor and Goran, turned me on to the fact that Mexican music was actually a big deal in the former Yugoslavia. It was the most amusing thing I had ever heard, as I grew up with a lot of boleros in my house (Los Panchos, Los Tres Ases, and others, for example). It blew my mind that such a scene would exist, but they were emphatic in telling me that such a creature DID indeed exist. They even showed me record covers like the one above, recorded by the ever-tacky, ever awesome Ljubomir Milić.

Wrate’s back story really does a nice job of filling in the history of a very unique time in my beloved Balkans which ties into the music I loved as a child.